10th Anniversary

The Active House principles – Comfort, Energy, Environment – were defined in 2011, by a global group of likeminded visionary leaders, who strongly believed in a holistic approach to building design.
Since then, the principles and specifications have been applied to numerous building types: single-family and multi-family residential, social housing, offices, schools and more. The results and testimonies by the actual users of these Active House buildings revealed the many positive effects of adhering to the principals, creating homes that are reassuringly efficient and very comfortable all seasons and for generations of use.
After 10 years of successfully promoting a holistic, people-centric approach to sustainable buildings, it is time to take status, reflect on our work to date, and discuss the next 10 years ahead for Active House. On its 10th anniversary, Active House invites members and thought leaders of holistic and sustainable buildings to join for a reflection on their journey to date and to share their thoughts about the future.
The Active House Alliance will proudly celebrate its 10th Anniversary on 21/10/21. After 10 years of successfully promoting a holistic, people-centric approach to sustainable buildings, it is time to take status, reflect on our work to date, and discuss the next 10 years ahead for the Alliance.
Join us on 21/10/21 as of 1.00 pm CET for our virtual celebrations.
The Jury will be chaired by Prof Marco Imperadori.
“10 years of Active House Alliance is a great achievement and all projects following this philosophy have proved to be creative and innovative towards a better future in designing architectures. Energy – Comfort – Environment are goals that can bring designers in a new perspective of parallel Empathy with our Planet and us as Humans. I am honored to be again the Jury president and thrilled to celebrate this important milestone, looking at the future as the New Bauhaus asks”

Marco Imperadori