1st Nordic Conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings

Date: 14 January 2019

1st Nordic Conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings

The first Nordic Conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings will be arranged in Trondheim, Norway, on Nov 6-7 2019. The conference will present state-of-the-art research and practical solutions that pave the way towards a low carbon built environment, with a focus on the Nordic countries.

The deadline for submitting scientific papers is February 01, and contributions are welcomed within the following topics: Solutions for Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings and Neighbourhoods, including:

Please submit your abstracts via the web portal, for further information, visit:  https://www.ntnu.edu/web/nordic-zeb-2019/home. Accepted papers will be published in IOP Science Conference Series, which provides open access and is indexed by Scopus.


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