Active House Italia is founded



Milan, May 26-2016, 
By Eileen Meyer architect

In the jungle of a confused reality caused by the ambitious aims established by the Italian government for the construction sector to follow European Directives and Nearly Zero Energy buildings, a group of ambitious architects, engineers and members of knowledge centres raised ready to spread a deeper vision of architecture.

Actually regions like Lombardy are pushing for NZEB buildings with strictly norms and laws to reduce the energy use of buildings and in the whole country you can realize private initiatives of planners to promote the knowledge sharing about energy validation of constructions.

A new approach
aha_secretariat_profile_pic_1But to reach the European directives the Italian construction industry needs new forefront solutions to optimize the primary energy performance and reduce energy costs of buildings.
Seems like covered by panic are growing up NZEB experts ready to improvise with their new know-how trying to follow northern building standards.

But is this enough to be applied in practice? Does national economy and technology market actually allow this change? Can these standards satisfy the actual needs of Italian population?

Much more it needs a new interpretation of spaces especially spaces for instruction like schools and kindergartens with new approaches. Indoor quality, daylight, acoustic and quality of the construction materials are such important than quality of environment and optimized energy demand.

Buildings is about humans
Buildings are the expression of culture, climate and attitudes of people. What’s about the famous Italian design? The different climate zones from north to south that determines the behaviour of living spaces, the relationship with light in summer and winter, with cooling and heating demands, with outdoor living, etc.

So looking for an answer able to satisfy much more aspects and various needs due to cultural particularities we decided to follow an holistic approach in planning (living) spaces.

Planning with architectural quality means to create a healthier relationship between spaces and residents, nature and human beings.

Members of activehouseitalia:

Massimiliano Caruso
Eileen Meyer
Günther Gantioler
Marco Cimini
Samuel Buraschi
Fabio Baldo
Mirella Turtur
Marco Boscolo

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