WELCOME to the Global Building Alliance established at COP21

The COP21 participants has agree on ambitious, but not binding targets to hold global warming below 2 C and even strive towards keeping global warming below 1.5 C.

img_4367_largeMore than 180 countries brought forward their commitments to reduce CO2 emissions, however as this will not meet the 2 C target other initiatives need to be implemented.

One of those is within the building sector. Buildings were discussed at a one day event at COP21, with high level speakers, led by Ms. Ségolène Royal, French minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy. The outcome of the day was establishment of a Global Alliance with participation of 20 countries, who will engage with other members of the alliance including networks and private companies within the construction sector.

The partners has committed themselves to work for a 2 C target and to communicate solutions, develop cooperation tracks and to bring forward solutions that can reduce the CO2 emmissions from the sector.

The Global Building Alliance will establish a high-level meeting on each COP from now till 2020 and will work with solutions in-between the meetings. The Alliance is established under the umbrella of UNFCC and the LPAA action track.

The Active House Alliance will – where possible – bring forward our experience and knowledges on developmet of sustainable buildings.


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