Declaration 2050 Imperative for sustainable built environments

With the participation of Active House Alliance, the International Union of Architects (UIA) agreed on the Durban Declaration 2050 Imperative to exercise leadership in sustainable construction at the UIA World Congress held in Durban, South Africa on 6 August 2014.

With the declaration, the UIA and its member organisations and partners intend to send a strong message to the world of their commitment to a truly sustainable and equitable future. Recognizing that architects have a central role in planning and designing the built environment, the group devoted itself to designing sustainable, resilient, carbon-neutral and healthy built environments in cities and towns and defined core actions to be promoted.

The declaration is a very timely message ahead of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meetings scheduled for 2015 in Paris, where the world`s high level decision makers will discuss next steps on how to further reduce fossil fuel CO2 emission – including that of buildings, which are responsible for a major part of global energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

See below for the adopted Declaration:

declaration 2050

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